5 Last-Minute Cleaning Tips That’ll Help You Keep Your Home Showing-Ready

5 Last-Minute Cleaning Tips That'll Help You Keep Your Home Showing-Ready

If you’re like many people, you know that your home needs to be spotless when prospective buyers come to check it out. However, keeping your home spotless can be a big challenge. Fortunately, these tips can help ensure that you keep your home ready for showings at any time.

5 Last-Minute Cleaning Tips That’ll Help You Keep Your Home Showing-Ready

Check out these five last-minute cleaning tips that’ll come in handy when you’re selling your home:

  1. Keep an empty laundry basket ready.
  2. Sweep and vacuum every morning.
  3. Put dishes directly into the dishwasher (not the sink).
  4. Focus on clutter first, then cleaning.
  5. Invest in mobile storage.

Bonus Tip: Never “hide” the mess in a closet, cabinet or drawer.

Scroll down for a closer look at each.

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Last-Minute Cleaning Tip #1: Keep an Empty Laundry Basket Ready

When your home is on the market, it’s in your best interest to keep it looking its best at all times, but that’s tough, especially if you’re still living there. One of the best tips you can use is to keep an empty laundry basket on hand so you can whisk away messes quickly. While this isn’t a permanent solution, when you have very little time before a buyer shows up, you can put clutter into the basket and put the basket in your car; it’ll go with you when you leave. Then, when you arrive home, you can put away the basket’s contents (and get the basket ready for the next time a buyer is on the way).

Last-Minute Cleaning Tip #2: Sweep and Vacuum Every Morning

Sweeping and vacuuming every morning is another great way to keep your home looking tidy. Though you may need to spot-clean later in the day, knocking this task out of the way first thing in the morning can make things easier on you when your agent calls with a surprise showing. And here’s a pro tip: If you’re not already vacuuming everywhere you’d ordinarily sweep, you may want to reevaluate your choices! It’s often faster (and easier on your back) to run the vacuum through the kitchen, bathrooms and other uncarpeted places.

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Last-Minute Cleaning Tip #3: Put Dishes Directly Into the Dishwasher (Not the Sink)

If people are coming over to look at your home, you don’t want them to see dirty dishes piled up in your sink. Put your dishes directly into the dishwasher as soon as you’re done with them. That way, there’s no extra mess to clean; all the dirty dishes will be tucked away, and all you need to do is start the dishwasher.

Pro Tip: Don’t start the dishwasher if it’s noisy. If it’s whisper-quiet, though, that can be a selling point!

Last-Minute Cleaning Tip #4: Focus on Clutter First, Then Clean

When there is very little time before buyers come to look at your home, it’s important that you focus on getting rid of clutter first. It’s much easier to clean up messes when there isn’t a bunch of stuff scattered around, so set aside some time to put away personal items and other items that can make it difficult for buyers to focus on the features in your home. (That’s where the basket from Tip #1 comes in!)

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Last-Minute Cleaning Tip #5: Invest in Mobile Storage

It may be worth investing in some mobile storage solutions. For instance, if you buy rolling bins with lids, you can quickly stash away toys, games and other household items before a showing. That way, you don’t have to worry about cleaning up and putting everything back in its place before the buyers arrive; you’ll just need to close the lid and roll it out of sight.

Bonus Tip: Never “Hide” the Mess in a Closet, Cabinet or Drawer

Though it may sound like a good idea — and you’re certainly not alone if you’ve done this before — don’t hide messes in closets, cabinets or drawers. Buyers will want to look inside all of these areas, so if they open something up and find a mess, that won’t make for an ideal showing experience. Instead, clean up the mess as best you can then use mobile storage to keep things under control while buyers are touring your home.

Are You Buying or Selling a Home in Boston?

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