7 Hot Tips to Make it Easy to Declutter Your Home Before You Sell

7 Hot Tips to Make it Easy to Declutter Your Home Before You Sell

If you’re like many people selling a luxury home in Boston, your real estate agent will tell you that you need to declutter it to sell – even if it’s not very cluttered in the first place. That’s okay! Everyone has a few extra items that would be better off in storage while their home is on the market.

But decluttering seems like a huge pain, doesn’t it? This guide helps you through the process with simple, actionable tips that can lend you a hand whether you have a few excess items… or a few more.

7 Hot Tips to Make it Easy to Declutter Your Home Before You Sell

Here’s a quick list of the best decluttering tips:

  1. Make a plan
  2. Start small
  3. Tackle one room at a time
  4. Create a dumping ground
  5. Use storage solutions
  6. Ask for help
  7. Reward yourself

The following sections explain each.

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Decluttering Tip #1: Make a Plan

Making a plan ensures that you don’t waste time running around your home trying to figure out what needs to be done. Write down exactly what tasks need to be completed and when they should be finished. This will help keep you organized and focused on the task at hand.

If writing out your plan won’t work for you, that’s okay. You can also create a list on your phone using your favorite app (we’re partial to Google Keep), put sticky notes on doorframes, or do anything else that helps keep you on-track when you’re tackling a big job.

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Decluttering Tip #2: Start Small

When it comes to decluttering, it’s important to start small. This will help you stay motivated and keep momentum going. To make it easier, break your plan down into smaller chunks so that you’re only tackling one room or area at a time.

You don’t have to finish a whole room at one time. The key is starting to declutter early, so you’re not rushed (and not forced into making decisions you’re not comfortable making). You can also ask friends or family to come over and help. It’s easier (and more fun) when you have company!

Decluttering Tip #3: Tackle One Room at a Time

It’s tempting to try to declutter your entire home all at once, but this is the surest way to get overwhelmed and give up before you make any real progress. Instead, tackle just one room at a time.

Start with the least cluttered area, then move on to the next most cluttered until everything is done. Don’t forget to go through closets, cupboards and drawers – these are often the most neglected areas.

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Decluttering Tip #4: Create a Dumping Ground

When you’re decluttering, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the stuff. That’s why it’s important to create a dumping ground in one corner of the room. This is where you can put all the items that don’t belong in that room, like old magazines and knick-knacks.

After you gather all the items in one place, sort through them and decide what you’re keeping and what you’re donating.

Decluttering Tip #5: Use Storage Solutions

If you’re selling your home, it’s important to make it look as clean and spacious as possible. To do this, consider investing in storage solutions. This could mean getting additional shelves for the garage, buying a closet organizer, or investing in large plastic bins to store items you don’t use very often.

Storage solutions can help make your home look less cluttered and more organized, which will impress potential buyers.

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Decluttering Tip #6: Ask for Help

Decluttering can be a daunting task, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether it’s from family members or friends, getting an extra pair of hands is always helpful.

You can also hire professional organizers if you need more help with the process. Professional organizers specialize in decluttering and can help you create a plan that works best for you and your home.

Decluttering Tip #7: Reward Yourself

Decluttering can be a long and tedious process, so don’t forget to reward yourself at the end. This could mean treating yourself to dinner or taking some time off after you’ve finished.

Rewarding yourself is a great way to stay motivated and give yourself something to look forward to after all the hard work you’ve done.

Are You Buying or Selling a Home in Boston?

If you’re searching for a luxury home for sale in Boston, or if you’re selling your home, we can help. Call 617-967-5271 or get in touch with us online so we can discuss your needs. In the meantime, please feel free to browse our listings in the following communities:

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