The 15 Best Houseplants to Use When Staging Your Home for Sale

The 15 Best Houseplants to Use When Staging Your Home for Sale - Sell Your Luxury Home in Boston

If you’re selling your home in Boston, you need to make sure it looks as inviting as possible – and one of the best (and easiest) ways do that is by using plants. Live plants will add vibrancy and life to your space, and they can also help draw attention to your home’s best features and make each room feel more inviting. This guide covers the 15 best plants to use when staging your home for sale, as well as where to place them for maximum impact.

The 15 Best Houseplants to Use When Staging Your Home for Sale

The key to choosing plants for staging is simple: Find plants that are easy to care for (and hard to kill). With that in mind, these best plants to use in home staging:

  1. Mother-in-law’s tongue
  2. Peace lily
  3. Dragon tree
  4. Fiddle-leaf fig
  5. ZZ plant
  6. Jade plant
  7. Pothos
  8. English ivy
  9. African violets
  10. Succulents
  11. Sago palm
  12. Ferns
  13. Aloe
  14. Tillandsia
  15. Philodendron

Here’s a closer look at each.

Home-Staging Plant #1: Mother-in-Law’s Tongue

Also called the snake plant (and formally called dracaena trifasciata), mother-in-law’s tongue is a top choice for staging because it’s tough and can stand going a while without water (so if you’re forgetful, you’re in luck with this potted plant). They typically don’t grow higher than 30 inches, though you can buy much smaller versions. A word of caution, though: This plant is toxic to dogs and cats.

Light requirements: Bright light with a combination of sunlight and shade

Water requirements: Once or twice a month, only when soil is dry to the touch

Where it looks best: Bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens

The 15 Best Houseplants to Use When Staging Your Home for Sale

Home-Staging Plant #2: Peace Lily

The peace lily is a flowering plant that’s known for its white flowers that bloom throughout the spring and summer (though when they’re kept indoors, they can bloom year-round). It’s also one of the few plants that can thrive in low-light conditions, making it ideal for staging darker rooms.

Light requirements: Bright light with some direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Bedrooms, living rooms and offices

Home-Staging Plant #3: Dragon Tree

The dragon tree (also called dracaena marginata) is another type of dracaena, and it’s known for its long, slender leaves. It can grow quite tall (up to 10 feet), so if you’re looking for a plant to make a statement, this is it.

Light requirements: Bright light with some direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Bedrooms, living rooms and offices

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Home-Staging Plant #4: Fiddle-Leaf Fig

The fiddle-leaf fig (formally called ficus lyrata) is a type of fig tree that’s native to western Africa. It’s become popular in recent years for its large, glossy leaves that have a fiddle-like shape. Fiddle-leaf figs can get quite big (up to 10 feet tall), so they’re best suited for larger spaces.

Light requirements: Bright light with some direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Living rooms, dining rooms and offices

Home-Staging Plant #5: ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant (zamioculcas zamiifolia) is a tropical plant that’s native to eastern Africa. It’s known for its glossy, dark green leaves and its ability to thrive in low-light conditions.

Light requirements: Bright light with some direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms and offices

Home-Staging Plant #6: Jade Plant

The jade plant (also known as crassula ovata) is a succulent that’s native to Africa and Asia. It’s known for its thick, glossy leaves and its ability to store water, making it ideal for dry rooms or homes.

Light requirements: Bright light with some direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms and offices

Related: 15 home staging hacks that can help you sell faster and for more money

Home-Staging Plant #7: Pothos

Pothos (epipremnum aureum) is a type of vine that’s native to the Solomon Islands. It’s known for its heart-shaped leaves and its ability to grow in low-light conditions.

Light requirements: Bright light with some direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens and offices

Home-Staging Plant #8: English Ivy

English ivy (hedera helix) is a type of ivy that’s native to Europe, Asia and Africa. It’s known for its trailing vines and its ability to grow in shady areas.

Light requirements: Bright light with some direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Bathrooms and kitchens

Home-Staging Plant #9: African Violets

African violets (scientifically called Saintpaulia ionantha) are a type of violet that’s native to Tanzania and Kenya. They’re known for their colorful flowers and their ability to thrive in low-light conditions.

Light requirements: Bright light with a little direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Kitchens and dining rooms

Home-Staging Plant #10: Succulents

Succulents are a type of plant that stores water in its leaves, stem or roots. They’re native to Africa, Australia, Europe and the Americas. Some common types of succulents include aloe vera, cacti and jade plants.

Light requirements: Bright light with some direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Anywhere in your home, as long as the size of the plant matches the size of the space

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Home-Staging Plant #11: Sago Palm

The sago palm (cycas revoluta) is a type of cycad that’s native to southern Japan. It’s known for its glossy, green leaves and its slow growth rate. This one’s toxic to house pets, too, so use it with caution if you’re a pet-parent.

Light requirements: Bright light with some direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Living rooms, dining rooms and offices

Home-Staging Plant #12: Ferns

Ferns are a type of plant that’s native to moist environments, such as rainforests. They’re known for their lush, green leaves and their ability to thrive in humid conditions. The best way to use a fern in staging is to put it on a tall stand, particularly if it has long branches.

Light requirements: Bright light with some direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Dining rooms and living rooms

Related: How to stage a small bathroom

Home-Staging Plant #13: Aloe

Aloe (aloe vera) is a type of succulent that’s native to Africa, Arabia and India. It’s known for its thick, green leaves and its ability to store water.

Light requirements: Bright light with some direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Bedrooms, living rooms and offices

The 15 Best Houseplants to Use When Staging Your Home for Sale

Home-Staging Plant #14: Tillandsia

Tillandsia (tillandsia cyanea) is a type of air plant that’s native to South America. It’s known for its purple flowers and its ability to grow without soil.

Light requirements: Bright light with some direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Hanging near a window or on a shelf

Home-Staging Plant #15: Philodendron

Philodendron (philodendron cordatum) is a type of vine that’s native to Brazil. It’s known for its heart-shaped leaves and its ability to grow in low-light conditions.

Light requirements: Bright light with some direct sunlight

Water requirements: Once a week, more frequently in warm months

Where it looks best: Hanging near a window or on a shelf

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